What We Believe

What We Believe
We believe and teach that the Holy Bible is in every word the Word of God, the only authority for spiritual truth and the only reliable guide for living.

We believe and teach that there is only one God, who has revealed himself in the Bible as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe and teach that all people inherit from their parents the disease of sin and are unable to free themselves from sin's power and eternal consequences.

We believe and teach that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to our world to free all people from the power and punishment of sin. He did this by taking our place under God's rightful expectations. He presented his sinless life in place of our sinful lives and suffered the penalty for sin on the cross. Because of Jesus' perfect obedience and innocent death, God forgives the sins of all people. He guaranteed forgiveness by raising Jesus from the tomb on Easter morning.

We believe and teach that we cannot gain God's forgiveness by our work or effort, but that Jesus convinces people to believe in him with the power of the good news, the gospel. He has called believers to share the gospel with others so that more and more people may come to know his love and enjoy his eternal blessings.

We believe and teach that Jesus will come again at the end of time to raise all the dead and take those who believe in him to everlasting joy in heaven.